happy Eid!!!
Eid al-Adha , also called Feast of the Sacrifice , the Major Festival , the Greater Eid and Bakrid , is an important 4-day religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to honour the willingness of the prophet ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismā'īl (Ishmael) as an act of submission to God's command and his son's acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Abraham with a ram to sacrifice instead.(source:wikipedia) TUESDAY, 23rd OCTOBER although it is a four-day holiday as mentioned above, we were only given 3 days for our holiday vacation starting from 25th to 27th of October for the Big Eid. but for us (meaning family and friends), we started the celebration from Tuesday(24th)night. the start of a new group called the "ChiccoRitas" (chiccos and puritas combined). it all started out as a plan to eat at TRP with Nors but then turned out to be a first ever reunion of my friends who are very dear to me h...