time to talk sense
yey finally! my own blog site. i never thought that i could create one let alone have one. i know i love writing through expression of thoughts but i never realized how much i love it and that i could go beyond what i usually do until these past few days that i got fascinated by bloggers such as patty and bianca. i once had a diary, as i've told, i love writing, expressing thoughts and opinions and rekindling memories of the past but it stopped until facebook and twitter became a constant hit. through these networking sites, i learned, thoughts have widened and my network of learning went on a higher note. i wanted to express thoughts but selfishly, i wanted them on my own. i didn't want anyone stalking everything that i say and everything about my life itself, facebook can give that opportunity but i don't want all of my friends including my family and the not so close and the not even close to close people know every deets of my life until came twitter. i enjoy twitter so much that it has given me a bit of that freedom that i needed in a hundred and forty characters. now i can talk but not enough though until came tumblr. tumblr has been a stress reliever for me, with it i can express everything that i wanted to say, rant and everything that i may think of until came my fad for bloggers who have their own sites where they blog about anything and everything under the heatest of the sun. and...tahhdahhhh!... my very own blog site.. :) this is a start of an abso-bloody-lutely adventure of my own life and all that's in my circle. this is fun! :)))
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