i am no bookworm but i started interest with books thanks to the twilight saga. the first ever book series that i've ever read. i am a fan, a big fan, a super fan. i am team edward btw. :)) i've read all four books, twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. watched all four movies as well, agitated with each and every scene that i would always picture out of the book. and now, still sprung, with eons of thumbs up and applause, the now freshly frenzy, the final breaking dawn. POSTERS FROM TWILIGHT UP TO THE FINAL BREAKING DAWN THE EPIC FINALE THAT WILL LIVE FOREVER :))) living to its catch phrase " the epic finale that will live forever", this movie is by far the best amongst the saga and amongst all that i've ever seen. being a spoiler that i am, the twist , the heartbreaker and tearjerker twist, is the prime reason for it's blockbuster hit. a no ordinary, no stereotype movie not just because of the immortal characters but the scenes and twist...