Be Thankful :))

i have been struggling, of little things, of big (at least for me) issues. i had to struggle even for the title of this post. that manic/depressive side is starting again to devour me. but don't worry guys, i am no bonkers. as i go through these phases of life, somehow, God has a way of making me feel lighter, leading me to relent and just be thankful for even the little things. whenever i had issues that i always keep for myself, as i have said, God always has ways of bumping my head and keeping me sane. big thanks to facebook in which i have subscribed to this application for everyday messages from God. it might be just an app but believe me it helps, i mean it really really helps, as if God is just beside me and sees everything i do and read everything that is going over my head. recently, i have been going through some petty drama which i think is not too biggie of a problem but then again, it lead me to visiting my facebook again (yes, i have deactivated) and then i saw this..

this made me realize and think of the things that i had to be grateful for and it lead me to list some of the many:

-i can walk
-my senses are working perfectly fine, even my common sense functions very well
-i can write and comprehend, i am proud of my mother tongue and i know my english; so to say the least that i do understand and utilize good grammar; thus, my very own blogger :))
-i can buy my needs and necessities
-i have a house to go home to
-i don't get hungry and if i do, resources of getting one is always possible

-i am a professional and licensed nurse

-i have been in different countries aside from  my homeland

-i have a job

 -i have friends

-albeit being in abroad, i have a relatives/family here

-i have my sibs

-i have God, the Creator and the assistant creators of God, mommy and daddy :))hehe

-and last and none the least, i've experienced to love and be loved in return. <3

we may be battling combats, experiencing plights and lost some fights but as we go through it, just think of the many things, even the the simplest and tiniest things that could make you kneel and thank the Big Guy. problems might not be solved overnight but at least, right then and there, a concoction for lifting a heavy heart has been delivered. again, smile and BE THANKFUL. :)))
